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Update 1/16/2020 4:44:07 PM
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Royal Hue’s Essence – A key event at Hue Festival 2020
The “Royal Hue’s Essence” is a spectacle enacted by Hue Monuments Conservation Center in the fanciful space of the Imperial Citadel at night.
The “Royal Hue’s Essence” is a spectacle enacted by Hue Monuments Conservation Center in the fanciful space of the Imperial Citadel at night.

 The performance focuses on topics honoring the values of a civilized and independent nation throughout its course of history, highlighting the five world cultural heritages, namely the Complex of Hue Monuments, Royal Court Music, Woodblocks of the Nguyen Dynasty, Imperial Archives of the Nguyen Dynasty and Literature on Hue royal architecture. 

The show is a harmonious combination of many forms of performances: singing and dancing, dien xuong (folk singing and talking), lively scenes, recitation, music, sound and light effects, which revive proud memories of the building and making a thriving nation, and the glorious images of the ancient Thuan Hoa capital.

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